So, About Those Immediate Goals?

Check in time!

In addition to all the deep. profound thoughts that I am posting here for who knows why, I am also trying to keep myself accountable in my efforts to accomplish a few things: lose 70 pounds more and get the house sold.

House goals: The computer room and bathroom have been cleaned and photographed. The bedrooms have not. Darren has almost completed the laundry room, so we should be painting it by next weekend. IF the temperature would only warm up, I could get the carpet shampooed and finish the outside trim. Immediate goal for this week will be to get the bedrooms photographed and the junk in the man cave dunged out.

Activity: Rain, freezing cold rain...ugh! Walked twice this week, but mostly wanted to hibernate in bed with socks on. Not looking good for this coming week, either. Immediate goal...maybe street swimming as the rain continues to pour down! Seriously - walk at least 3 times this week. Hmmm..maybe add some planks and yoga. Ok..make it so!

Weight: For some reason (probably the cold) I have been on a feeding frenzy lately. Still, I am 2 pounds down, so I will take that as a minor miracle. Immediate goal - maintain that or drop another 2 this week.

That feeling of suspension continues to make me feel like I am moving in slow motion. I know the days are passing quickly, and I am frustrated that we do not have the house on the market yet. I have a great deal to look forward to in the next 5 months, so I have to work on my patience and trust the Universe to work out the details.This is not easy for me as anyone who knows me will attest!

Happy things for the coming week: Massage on Tuesday; Dinner with Shelley on Wednesday; a day with another friend on Saturday. Who knows what other small pleasures I will be granted! I am blessed!


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