Life can go to shit - fast! 2019 has proven that. As much as I soldiered on through the various mishaps that I covered in my previous post, I have had one too many to continue. Hence - down and out for the count.

Two days after we returned from our trip to Europe, I fell and broke my left wrist necessitating surgery and 3 pins. Life threatening - no. But after the previous incidents - spirit breaking. There is no surgery for that. I have little left in my personal resource bucket. Deciding to give up my horse and sell everything connected to my life here seemed the only logical thing to do. Oh..yes - there is a financial factor to all of this but I am not going into that. On its own, it would not have precipitated this. But..all things considered..
So we had to come up with a plan. Suffice it to say that when part of that plan seemed to necessitate leaving Rio behind, I lost my mind, pure and simple.

Darren sent me to Nova Scotia for 3 weeks to regroup. That will be a separate blog. This one is just to  answer questions that have been asked. logical order....without emotion..

1. We are leaving Panama.
2. Ali has a wonderful home where he will either stay or be sold if the right buyer is found. Some things are more important than money.
3. Rio is coming with us.
4. We are leaving around August 5. All we have left to sell is the truck.
5. Darren bought a motorbike in NS. It is beautiful. He has not even seen it yet, but I have. He deserves to have fun with his buddies so we will be in NS for at least 3 months. Autumn is beautiful there.
6. Darren's daughter is pregnant with a baby boy. He is due Dec 22. So at some point in November we will be going to Calgary. Brrrrr!
7. In the meantime I will be doing the paperwork to get our extended stay VISA for Portugal. Hopefully the 3 of us will be there early in the new year.
8. My cast is off. My arm is sore and weak. My anxiety and depression are rampant. And I have to pack.

So...that's it in a nutshell. I am trying to gain some perspective but right now I am angry, bitter and heartbroken. I am terrified of falling in any way; of being injured again. Darren and Rio have been wonderful and I am so blessed to have them both. The support and love I have been given from my friends and family sustained me and lifted me. I am fully aware that things could be so much worse. Maybe I would not feel this way if I had not had that one....perfect.....year. I thought there would be more.


  1. Anne, so sorry to hear of all of these woes. Sending you love and encouragement, dear friend.

  2. I am sorry that you are going through such a hard time. You have a plan though and that will help.


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