🎶 Just the Memory of an old Christmas Card🎶

Who sang that old Country song? All I know is that it has always made me cry. Memories....of Christmases past, in happier, brighter and more hopeful times.....with people who are no longer with me either through distance or destiny. The lyrics are doubly poignant now.

I had not sent out Christmas cards for probably ten years, if not longer. It seemed a frivolous waste of energy in the digital age. That was, until last year. I had never felt so cut off from my "home", my friends, my traditions. Between moving to Cochrane, Covid isolation and recovering from Cancer, I was overwhelmed with homesickness. The digital greetings somehow did not seem like enough. I decided to send out Christmas cards.

As I compiled my list, I felt a renewed connection with old friends, new friends and family members I had not seen for many years. It mattered not to me if I received any in return. I just wanted them all to know that, no matter time or distance, they were with me in my heart and thoughts. Yes, I cried many times whilst writing them. How I would have rather hugged each person than sent one through the mail, but it did ease the ache in my heart a bit. 

With my Rogues' Gallery watching, I made the decision to create 

My Rogues" Gallery

my own cards for 2021. My intentions were good , and we all know where good intentions lead...

Well....maybe for next year....

So, CostCo can always be depended upon for cute cards, so off I went. Mission accomplished, I sat down to live in my memories of each and every person on my list. Sadly, there were two of my dad's sisters whom destiny called home, but who will always be remembered. But, a few new names appeared....friends made in the last year who have had a major impact on my life here. I am so grateful for them.

My Space!

So, fortified with EggNog and Rum, with some old 90s Country tunes to keep my toes tapping (nope...can't do the Christmas music...not without many tears), I settled down to add a wee note to each one, to mentally hug each and every person and hope that maybe, someday, 🎶 I'll be "home" for Christmas🎶....wherever "home" is now....I really don't know. I am much happier in Alberta now, but I don't think it will ever be "home". Darren is my home; Jocey, Jared and Jacob are part of my family, but I  miss my son, Neal, my dearest friends and the familiar routines and sights of my Nova Scotia memories. "THEY" say you should never go back; it will never be the same as you remember. I know that old adage is true, so I guess that is why I started sending out cards again: pretty pictures of past traditions that we all shared while growing up in a more innocent and care free age when our past loved ones were all still with us; when singing in the choir at Midnight Mass was a highlight followed by Rappie Pie and opening one present; when Christmas Day was a family feast at my Nanny's and Boxing Day was not for shopping but visiting friends, comparing loot and eating leftovers; when the best presents of all had hard covers and kept me quiet for days or, had anything to do with horses. 

This year we will be with Jocey, Jared, Jacob and Jarvis in their home in Calgary. They will have the tree up and decorated! The turkey will be a fresh, locally grown one and the feast will be wonderful. New traditions will be shared like movies and board games on Christmas Eve along with the Rappie Pie. I may even get brave enough to watch White Christmas (maybe not....getting teary eyed just thinking about it). I am thankful and grateful that after all we have been through over the last 2 years, we can be together this year. But...🎶 Pardon me, if a tear, falls among the Christmas Cheer. It's just the memory of an old Christmas Card.🎶


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