
Have you ever felt that you are suspended in time? That the world is going about its business , but you are merely hovering while it spins around you? I have been feeling like that since I got back from Peru in March. My body is going through the motions while my soul is elsewhere.

Yes, I know...I am supposed to live in and embrace the moment, but I have never been very good at that on the day to day level. I am retiring this year. Sixty is NOT just a number (no matter what "THEY" say); it is a benchmark: a time to look back and ahead while living in the present. For me, the latter part of that is the problem. goal #1: sell the the house ready to market and then, hopefully, sell the house by November. Ah..there I go again. I can see this will take some work. OK...clean up the computer room and bedrooms so I can photograph them. There, that is better.

Immediate goal #2 - Lose 30 more pounds by August ( have lost 21 since March). No..rephrase - lose 3 more pounds by the end of the week. Yes,,doable if I focus. I have been told that I get a bit, ahem.... obsessive when I set my mind to doing something. I prefer the word "focused". But more on that challenge later.

Immediate Goal #3 - Keep moving. Very good, can do that every day so no need to rephrase!

Enough for the immediate goals, but I now feel a bit more grounded.

Grounded...groundy...groundwork! Today was a lovely day for tackling the front yard. As Darren is sick, I sent out a plea to one of my former students, Jack, to see if he could come help me. I am so blessed to have had a wonderful relationship with a group of kids whom I taught from 2012 - 2015 and am still in close contact with. He raked while I painted and soon the front yard was looking lovely. Working outside is very calming and gives me a feeling of being useful. Just a bit more trim to paint and mulch on the beds, and the house will be ready to photograph for our ad.

Ummm....know anyone who wants to buy a house?

Ciao for now.


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