"Always treat others with respect even when you believe they do not deserve it. Not for what it says about their character, but for what it says about yours." Facebook has a way of providing me with apt musings at timely moments. I have been thinking a lot about the concept of respect over the last 3 days after witnessing a show jumping clinic given by the world's top instructor in Hunt Seat Equitation, 79 year old George Morris. There are so many reasons that one should respect this man: his own competitive track record; his stable of Olympic riders who came up under him; his experience and age; his coaching of the US and Brazilian Olympic Teams. So many reasons, yet I have no respect for him after witnessing him in action. The man disgusts me. MY friend, Char, had given a me a ticket to audit the clinic for my birthday, so we were looking forward to an interesting, fun horsey weekend. Now to be clear, this was not the first time I had seen George in action. ...