And the Greatest of these is Love

I have learned a hard lesson this year. I am not in control of anything. I always gave that idea lip service, but now I know it to my core. Hell, I can not even string three coherent sentences together right now. I had the most perfect year of my life last year; now I don't know which end is up. But I do know one thing; I am blessed with many gifts. And the greatest of love. Know that as I write this I am sobbing - in grief and gratitude; in despair and thankfulness; in confusion and, yet clarity. I am loved. This man has shown me that more over the past 7 months than in the whole 13 years we have been together. When I was first injured in February he stepped up and became a horseman, and learned what it is to have that bond. When I subsequently became ill and through further injuries, he never once complained. He knew what I needed even when I did not and sent my back to my roots to help me feel grounded again. When the decision was made to part with Ali, ...